But I do have a purpose here. I figure that since I am not likely to sleep before heading to my Super Bowl party that I might as well share with you the fruits of my morning labor -- that is to say, I'd like to show off what NOT TO DO when baking meringues at 6 am. DO NOT get creative with party themes. So what if the idea of dyeing your delicious dessert invades your head. Ignore that voice. Always ignore that voice. Creativity with color has no place when meringue is involved. Some edibles just weren't meant to be anything other than what they are, which in this case is white. I don't like to consider the way those yellow meringues cooling in my oven look. Suffice to say they have cracked -- just enough, mind you, to reveal a putrid, oozing yellow oil. Well, you might as well see for yourself folks.......

Bleck. No fun AT ALL. On a brighter note, however ----

Anyway, enough of that already. I always have to mess up in the kitchen before anything turns out right, but at least I learn. Culinary art takes some of us more practice than others.
So the last few nights I've been finding random little articles pertaining to the Super Bowl to post about....things like 'The Art of the Tackle' or 'The inner-workings of football fans' or 'How to make a football' or delicious Super Bowl treats created by scientists. Oh yeah, that was a fun one. Some of those cats designed finger foods that looked like intestines. No thank you.
I'm not a football fan. I just like to listen to people yell actually. I'm excited to be going to my friend's place today, but I will miss being here listening through my window as my crazy Texas neighbor and his pack of hyena-singing fools kick it up a hundred notches. It doesn't take a huge sporting event to incite his friends to turn into howlers, but if there is a big event you can forget about it. The screamin' demons know how to preach for the home team.
I think my father used to be a Steelers fan when I was a kid, at least as a last resort AFTER the Texas teams. It was either that, or back in the late 70s and early 80s the Steelers were a huge rival of the Dallas Cowboys and/or Houston Oilers. I shudder to think of all the old polaroids of me sporting Cowboy and Oiler shirts. Guess you could say I've always been a bona-fide Texan - tride and true right down to my excessive use of the word "ya'll." Maybe that was my mother's doing though. I certainly didn't chose to wear those football shirts and learn those silly sport 'ditties.'
Well, since I made those blasted meringues yellow maybe I'll scream and holler AGAINST the Steelers. Who the hell knows. By the time the game starts I may be having so many delusions that I haven't a clue who is even playing anymore. What I do know is this, and this is especially for my dad if he'll actually read this thing -- I am posting links below to all the Mahalo Super Bowl commercial pages. My father is usually trying to recap the commercials for me since I often avoid the game, but his senility makes it difficult at times, so this will ensure he can keep it all straight. Yeah flake, that's right! Without further ado.......
Amy Borkowsky
Angels and Demons Super Bowl Ad
Budweiser Clydesdale Super Bowl Ad
Carreer Builder Super Bowl Ad
Cars.com Super Bowl Ad
Cheetos Super Bowl Ad
Chuck Super Bowl Ad
Denny's Super Bowl Ad
Doritos "Free Doritos" Super Bowl Ad
Doritos New Flavor Pitch Super Bowl Ad
Doritos Power of the Crunch Super Bowl Ad
Doritos Super Bowl Ad
Doritos The Chase Super Bowl Ad
Doritos Too Delicious Super Bowl Ad
Fast and the Furious Super Bowl Ad
Frosted Flakes Super Bowl Ad
GI Joe Super Bowl Ad
Go Daddy Danica Patrick Super Bowl Ad
Go Daddy Super Bowl Ad
H and R Block Super Bowl Ad
Heineken Super Bowl Ad
Heroes Super Bowl Ad
Hyundai Genesis Super Bowl Ad
Hyundai Super Bowl Ad
Jay Leno Super Bowl Ad
Kings Super Bowl Ad
LMAO NBC Super Bowl Ad
Land of the Lost Super Bowl Ad
Medium Super Bowl Ad
Miller One Second Super Bowl Ad
Monsters vs. Aliens Super Bowl Ad
NFL Network Super Bowl Ad
Pedigree Super Bowl Ad
Pepsi Super Bowl Ad
Sobe Lizard Lake Super Bowl Ad
Sobe Super Bowl Ad
Star Trek Super Bowl Ad
Super Bowl Ads 2009
Super Bowl Commercials 2009
Super Bowl Commercials Live Coverage
Teleflora Super Bowl Ad
Transformers Super Bowl Ad
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